处理 Python 事件循环关闭,无异常(循环.异常.关闭.事件.Python...)


#! /usr/bin/env python3

from asyncio import gather, get_event_loop, sleep, Event
from signal import SIGINT, SIGTERM

def shutdown_signaled():
    print('Shutdown requested.')

async def small_work(shutdown):
    while not shutdown.is_set():
        await sleep(0.5)
        print('Small work is done!')

    print('Exited small work.')

async def big_work(shutdown):
    while not shutdown.is_set():
        await sleep(5)
        print('Big work is done!!!')

    print('Exited big work.')

# when this event is set the application is ready to shutdown
shutdown = Event()

# setting up our own handler for Ctrl+C and SIGTERM (sent with kill)
# by setting this handler running tasks will not get an exception thrown at them
event_loop = get_event_loop()
event_loop.add_signal_handler(SIGINT, shutdown_signaled)
event_loop.add_signal_handler(SIGTERM, shutdown_signaled)

# combining our two tasks as one
combined_tasks = gather(small_work(shutdown), big_work(shutdown))

# run our tasks and block

以上就是处理 Python 事件循环关闭,无异常的详细内容,更多请关注知识资源分享宝库其它相关文章!


